Today I dropped a friend off in Limon, Colorado because he wanted to
try hitchhiking to his hometown in eastern Kansas. On the way out Inoticed a few sites I wanted to stop by on the way back to take some
pictures. One of them was an old abandoned church. I wasn't sure if I
was allowed to be on the property but the building was to cool to
pass up.
I ran into another photographer with the same idea I had. I was packing up my gear when someone pulled up in a van. I thought it was someone coming to tell me to leave until I saw the camera. She thought I owned the building and asked permission to take some pictures for her photography class. Those of you who know me well can imagine how tempting it was to play a joke on her, but in the end I admitted I was passing through and stopped to take some picture of my own.
Anyway, Enjoy :-)