There are several things that I love about photography, one of which is trying to tell a story without words. I don't know that I would say a picture is worth a thousand words, but I might say pictures can say a lot without words.
For example the point of view and composition of a picture does a lot to set the mood of a picture. If you want to make someone look domineering or powerful, you can take a picture looking up at them, and make them look like a towering colossus, ready to strike down their opposition. If you want to make someone look lonely, you can include more space around them, which helps make them look secluded.
With a photo essay, you get the chance to use lots of pictures to tell a story. You can focus on one aspect of the situation with each picture. However, with photojournalism, sometimes you only get one picture to tell an entire story.
The most memorable photojournalism I have seen was a picture about border patrol with two agents arresting a man that had hopped over from mexico. They were in the middle of a field of sunflowers, with police cars and a helicopter hovering in the background. Not only was the picture aesthetically pleasing, it captured the essence of the situation. The disappointment of the captured man, the way he was spotted, and who was nabbing him. You can almost pick up the entire story without a caption.
Now if I could only remember who the photographer was... oh well.
The picture I posted today is more of an artistic piece I took Memorial Day weekend, at my in-law's neighbor's house. They have a cookout every Memorial Day, and invite friends and family over to celebrate.